Pie Menus

Transform Options Pies

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Proportional Editing Falloffs

Allows access to all the Proportional Editing Falloffs as well as activating and deactivating it.

Transform Orientations

Allows access to all the default orientations as well as quickly setting 3 custom orientations.

Reset Orientation enables to the last used default orientation if using a custom orientation

Transform Pivot Point

Allows access to all the Transform Pivot Points.

Snap Presets

Quick snap presets that set multiple snaping options at once

  • Vert Closest: Snaps to closest vertex.

  • Vert Center: Snaps to vertex center.

  • Grid Absolute: Snaps to the closest increment in absolute mode.

  • Face Normal: Snaps position and alignment to the center of a face

  • Edge Center: Snaps to the edge's middle point.

Smart Modify Pie

Context Sensitive Pie Menu, gives quick access to relevant tools based on the context.

Object Mode

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Edit Mesh Mode

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Lattice Mode

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Curve Mode

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UV Mode

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